The Office of The President is pleased to announce that, following consultation with the Honourable Chief Justice of Trinidad and Tobago as required by section 4 (3) (a) (ii) of the Industrial Relations Act, Her Honour Mrs. Heather Seale has been appointed by Her Excellency as the President of the Industrial Court.
Her Honour Mrs. Seale received her Instrument of Appointment today at The President’s House during a short ceremony attended by The Honourable the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Ivor Archie, her husband Stephen Seale and son Hasan Seale.
Her Honour Mrs. Seale is an extremely experienced Member of the Industrial Court, having been a Member for almost 20 years, since 2004. Her Honour holds a Master’s Degree in Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology, from the University of The West Indies. She also holds an LL. B Degree from the University of London and is a Certified Mediator.
Throughout her long and distinguished career in the public service, Her Honour Mrs. Seale has held the positions of Member of the Industrial Court; Registrar of the Tax Appeal Board; and State Counsel at the Ministry of Finance, among numerous other public service positions. She has attended and participated in a host of training courses and seminars, including overseas working visits to the Combined Special Tribunals in London and the Tax Court of Canada. As a Member of the Industrial Court, Her Honour has served diligently and consistently has contributed tremendously to the development of the industrial relations jurisprudence in Trinidad and Tobago, including by Her Honour’s many written judgments.
Her Honour Mrs. Seale has been a lay leader for the past ten years at the Unity Centre of Faith. She acts as a Mentor for students at her alma mater St. Francois Girls’ College and in 2018 was recognised by the school as a “Phenomenal Woman” .
The Office of The President also wishes to thank the former Industrial Court President, Mrs. Deborah Thomas-Felix, for her dedicated service to the Industrial Court and, by extension, to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, and for having served in that position for more than 11 consecutive years. Mrs. Thomas-Felix’s leadership over this period was instrumental in helping to build capacity at the Industrial Court, including building a pool of talented members from which it has been possible to select a new President.