There was singing, there was dancing, there were some serious conversations and even a few bouts of arm wrestling (kindergarteners vs the First Gentleman). All in all it’s no exaggeration to say that Their Excellencies visit to Matelot and Grand Riviere last Friday 19th January, 2024, ran the gamut of experiences.
First stop was the Matelot Community School perched on a hill at the very end of the road into the area. After chatting with the staff, Their Excellencies engaged the secondary school students in private conversation, soliciting their views on life in Matelot, their hopes and aspirations for their future. This was followed by a performance by the school’s steelpan ensemble.
Then it was on to the other half of the Matelot Community School located down the hill and across the river. This location houses the ECCE and primary schools.
Challenged to arm wrestle by the group of 3-4 year old ECCE students, the First Gentleman gallantly lost every bout.
The licking was soon soothed however by the primary school students who entertained Their Excellencies with dance performances and lively interaction.
The staff and students of Grande Riviere Anglican Primary School were similarly welcoming when Their Excellencies visited that school next.
Their Excellencies toured the small school, stopping in every classroom to chat with the students. Then, not to be outdone by their Matelot counterparts, the students of Grande Riviere also mounted a short cultural programme, proudly singing and reciting poetry for Their Excellencies.