The President’s House was built between 1873 and 1876, patterned after Victorian style colonial architecture. The foundation stone was laid on 24th July, 1873.
The house was constructed mainly of iron and steel superstructures, clad in local blue limestone from Piccadilly and Laventille Quarries. The roof consists of Welsh Dutchess slates.
The gardens are made up of plants and flowers brought to this location from many different parts of the world.
The President’s House in Tobago, as it is now called, is located at Mt. William. The site was named after the first occupant of the first Governor’s House that was erected at that location, Governor Sir William Young who arrived in Tobago in 1807.
The structure that exists today was completed in 1828. The first wooden building that Governor William occupied in 1807 was replaced by a structure of brick and stone.
The Governors of Tobago resided there until 1899 when the island became part of the colony of Trinidad and Tobago. Afterwards, it was occupied by Governors resident in Trinidad and only at such time as they visited the island. Buried on the grounds of the President’s House at Mt. William are the three children of Governor Sir Frederick Robinson who succumbed to the yellow fever epidemic which swept the island in the years 1819 and 1820.
With the advent of the Federation of the West Indies (1958 to 1961), the Governor of Trinidad and Tobago, Sir Edward Beetham occupied Government House in Tobago. The Government House in Port-of-Spain, as it was called at that time, had been converted into a Federal Museum and Art Gallery.
The first occupant of what is called the President’s House today, was Major General Blackwell. This building stands to this day only slightly modified having survived the hurricanes of 1847 and 1963.
In 1962, Trinidad and Tobago became an Independent Unitary State within the British Commonwealth under a Governor General, Sir Solomon Hochoy, and Government House in Tobago was named Governor General’s House. Upon Trinidad and Tobago becoming a Republic in 1976, the building became known as The President’s House.
Many distinguished people have visited The President’s House, among them being H.R.H. Princess Margaret, H.R.H. Princess Alice, H.R.H. the Princess Royal and the most recent visitors from the Royal family were Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Philip.
Her Excellency Christine C. Kangaloo O.R.T.T. is pleased to welcome schools, camps, other educational institutions, religious groups, senior citizens groups, NGOs and other organisations to participate in guided tours of The President’s House and grounds. Tours are available by appointment only and can be facilitated in groups no larger then thirty (30) for primary schools and other groups and forty (40) for secondary schools. Tours are currently conducted at 10:00 am and 1:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, subject to availability. Requests to visit the President’s House can be sent via letter or email to otp.mail@otp.gov.tt and further information may be obtained by calling the Office of the President at 225-4687 ext 112/147.