The faithful will be moved to prayer – hopefully while practising social distancing – and there is power in that, but whatever your belief, empathy is paramount. Be kind, be compassionate. Where you can, assist – an elderly neighbour unable to visit the grocery or pharmacy, the disadvantaged lacking the wherewithal to access necessary supplies – and remember, all of us are our brother’s and sister’s keeper.
Fellow citizens, Trinidad and Tobago and indeed the world is facing a grave health crisis. The medical experts and government have pronounced and the media is doing its part to get the message out. It is now for us to do our part and exercise rigid social responsibility. I appeal to you to remain calm, now is not the time for criticisms and recriminations. Together, we must focus on what needs to be done to get as many of us through this as safely as possible. We’ll resume the river limes, the church services, the bar scene and feteing when the crisis is over but as it is likely to get worse before it gets better, we need to hold strain.
I urge you to follow the guidelines set out by the Ministry of Health. Wash your hands, frequently and thoroughly. Resist the urge to touch your face, especially after touching unsanitised surfaces. When greeting friends and acquaintances, do not shake hands, hug or kiss. Avoid gatherings of more than 25 where the potential for spreading the virus multiplies exponentially. For those of us not in the high-risk categories, consider that we are likely to be in physical contact with someone who is – a family member, a colleague, a fellow passenger. Please observe the advice as if your life depended on it. Someone’s does.
I take this opportunity to thank our medical personnel, at the frontlines of this fight, for their service and dedication.
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Mr. Seijoong Kwon, Ambassador-Designate of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, presented his credentials to Her Excellency Christine Carla Kangaloo ORTT, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, today, September 5, 2024 at The President's House. His Excellency Seijoong Kwon was accompanied by Mr. Young Junekim, First Secretary and Ms. Joohyun Yang, Third Secretary.Her Excellency welcomed the Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago and wished him every success in his new posts.
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Mr. Justice Sebastian Ventour (Retired) took the Oath of Office to be reappointed as a Member and Chairman of the Public Procurement Review Board before Her Excellency, Christine Carla Kangaloo, ORTT, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, at a ceremony at the Office of the President, today, September 5, 2024.Mr. Justice Sebastian Ventour, now retired, is a very eminent jurist who has enjoyed a very distinguished 43-year legal career. He was a Senior Partner at the law firm of Fitzwilliam, Stone, Furness-Smith and Morgan until he retired in 1998. He then joined the Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago, where he held the esteemed position of Judge of the High Court in the Supreme Court of Judicature, for a period of 14 years. He has also served as Secretary at the Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago and as a Member of the Disciplinary Committee.Mr. Justice Ventour is the holder of a Master of Laws Degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Legal Education Certificate from the Council of Legal Education – Hugh Wooding Law School, as well as a Diploma in Management Studies from the University of the West Indies.Her Excellency Christine Carla Kangaloo, ORTT, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago wished Mr. Justice Ventour (Retired) best wishes and thanked him for his continued service.
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🎶✨ Discover the rich history behind the Presidential Fanfare, or Chaconia, a distinguished musical piece performed at official events to honor the arrival and or departure of The President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Originally composed for brass instruments, this ceremonial piece has made an historic transition to Trinidad and Tobago's national instrument, the steelpan. In Part 1 of our 2 Part series, dive into the fascinating journey of the Presidential Fanfare and its transformation into a steelpan tradition. 🇹🇹🎼 #Chaconia #steelpan #TTDF #officeofthepresidentt
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#mondayinspiration"As important and as vital as they are to our experience of independence, being independent involves more than outward acts annual of celebration. It means holding up a mirror to ourselves, daily and constantly, and assessing of our progress in creating the kind of country about which we sing in our national anthem – a country in which every creed and race finds an equal place."Her Excellency, Christine Carla Kangaloo, ORTT President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. On Saturday August 31st, 2024, the Mounted Branch of the TTPS took their positions to escort Her Excellency Christine Carla Kangaloo, ORTT President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the QPS for the Independence Parade but this year it was with an added sense of pride. For the first time in its 173 years of existence, a female was the First Officer in Charge (FIC), taking the reigns to lead the Presidential Escort. Congratulations to ASP Renee Bain-Keller, as the first female First Officer in Charge as she leads the ceremonial mounted escort for Her Excellency on Independence day.#62years #BreakingBarriers #TTPS #officeofthepresidentt
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#ICYMI Their Excellencies Christine Carla Kangaloo ORTT, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Kerwyn Garcia SC First Gentleman arrive at NAPA for Her Excellency’s Toast to the Nation. See full video of the Toast to the Nation by Her Excellency, Christine Carla Kangaloo, ORTT, The President of the Republic of Trinidad and TobagoProduced by Government Information Division. #Independence #62years #OfficeofthePresidentt
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