On Monday 16th December, 2024, Her Excellency Christine Carla Kangaloo O.R.T.T., President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago attended the annual Chief of Defence Staff Parade at Teteron Barracks, Chaguaramas. After receiving the salute, inspecting the parade and addressing the members of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force, Her Excellency took the time to engage with members of the Junior Enlisted Ranks, Senior Enlisted Advisors and Commissioned Officers.
In her address, Her Excellency expressed deep gratitude for the dedication and service of the members of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force and thanked them for their professionalism, commitment and participation in various Office of the President and national initiatives.
See full text of the address below:
Good morning.
It is a great honour, as your Commander-in-Chief, to stand before you this morning at this annual Chief of Defence Staff Parade. It is an even greater honour, as a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago, to have witnessed, in the parade of the Four Formations of our Armed Forces, this morning’s display of discipline, cohesion and excellence. There is something about watching the men and women tasked with defending the sovereign good of our nation, on parade, that inspires tremendous pride and patriotism. The precision of the drills, smartness of your uniforms and crispness of your movements — they all reflect and convey the professionalism, competence and dedication of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force. I know that I speak for everyone who has witnessed this morning’s parade, when I say that, once again, this year’s parade has filled us with awe and admiration.
I have to say that I find it most fitting that this Chief of Defence Staff Parade should take place during the Christmas season. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year – it is a time of festivity, of celebration and of fellowship. But perhaps even more important, Christmas is – or at least, it should be – a time of thanksgiving. I believe that, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it is important to show appreciation to those who have played a significant role in our lives. And so it is that, this morning, in the midst of another joyous Christmas season, mine is the both the duty and the privilege of expressing to you—the men and women of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force —my heartfelt appreciation for the significant role that you play in in the lives of all Trinidadians and Tobagonians, as well as in my own life. If it isn’t said loudly or clearly enough during the course of the year, let me say it loudly and clearly to you this morning: all of Trinidad and Tobago appreciates you, and your Commander-In-Chief appreciates you.
As the premier institution entrusted with defending our nation, your contributions have been vital in enhancing the national security of Trinidad and Tobago, as the Chief of Defence Staff has explained. As we have heard from the Chief of Defence Staff, over this past year you have gone above and beyond the call of duty, executing joint operations with the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS), safeguarding our borders, cooperating with international partners and ensuring the safety and security of our citizens. These efforts are deeply appreciated. They have played an important role in our nation’s fight against crime. They have contributed to a greater degree of peace and stability across our nation, than otherwise we might have had.
I am also particularly grateful for your commitment to community service. Among other drives, the Chief of Defence Staff has explained that you have collaborated extensively with non-governmental organisations to execute food distribution initiatives and offer other assistance to persons in need. These, along with your youth empowerment and development programs, are the very essence of national service. I am especially pleased to see your efforts to empower young people, because as many of you know, that is an area close to my heart. The role played by the Defence Force in training and nurturing the next generation is critical, and it brings me a joy beyond explanation to know that your example is one that inspires young people to fulfil their greatest potential.
And so, I thank you for your service. I thank you for your diligence, your willingness and your commitment.
That is not to say that the Defence Force is a perfect organization, operating in perfect conditions. No human organization ever is, and no human organization ever does. The Chief of Defence Staff has shared some of the numerous and difficult challenges faced by the organization over the past year. And so, even as your country and its Commander-In-Chief celebrate you today, I think it important to acknowledge that the last twelve (12) months have been filled with both ups and downs, and with highs and lows. What is unique about the men and women of the Defence Force however, is that you always find a way to rise above your challenges and to give of your best.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the service that you provide right on my very doorstep, at the Office of the President. Whatever the challenges that you face as an organization or on the individual human level, the Office of the President is always ably supported by men and women of your number. Every single day, whether in the pouring rain or in the punishing sun, I look on in quiet admiration at the commitment and the care with which you discharge your duties. Whether it is in the playing of the Presidential Bugle Call, the changing of sentries in the Guard Room, the raising and lowering of the National Flag, or the manning of the various security posts on the compound, you are the embodiment of steadiness, of rectitude and of respectfulness. Your Guard Commanders, your Buglers, your Sergeants, your Corporals, your Lance Corporals and your Privates – these officers, and others like them, make you proud in ways that you cannot begin to imagine, and that I cannot even begin to explain. Your stewards are courteous, diligent and meticulous in their work. My ADC, Major Nigel Parris, is serving with distinction – I am immensely thankful for his support and contributions, as well as for the other staff who ensure the smooth running of the Office of the President. My spouse’s Aide, Flight-Lieutenant David Carrington, has also been a remarkable example of the reliability and the willingness that have characterized the staff of the Defence Force who have assisted my spouse and me in discharging our duties over the past nearly two (2) years.
Over the past year in particular, the Defence Force has consistently provided time, talent and support for various initiatives at the Office of the President, often at short notice, yet always with precision, pride and passion. Whether in respect of visits to schools across Trinidad and Tobago, Children’s Storytime at the Residence, this year’s President’s Pan Camp, or the recent Children’s Christmas Party on the grounds at President’s House, your flexibility, hard work and adaptability have been invaluable in ensuring the success of those events.
One example of your versatility and support is the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force Steel Orchestra which has, time and again, showcased the talent and skill of our servicemen and women. This year, the Orchestra successfully re-recorded the Presidential Fanfare on the steelpan, ensuring that our national instrument is afforded the prestige it deserves. I am deeply grateful to them, as well as to the multitalented service personnel who have enriched various functions over the years with their musical talent and skill.
These acts of service do not come without tremendous sacrifice. Military life is demanding and often, very stressful. I know that many of you face personal challenges in balancing the rigorous demands of military service with family life and other responsibilities. I have also been made aware that the Defence Force has lost twelve (12) service personnel this year. My deepest condolences go out to their families, friends and colleagues in the Force.
And so, in the midst of the Christmas season and as another year draws to a close, I thank you for your sacrifices. They do not go unnoticed. Rest assured that your Commander-In-Chief and your country, know of, and are immensely thankful for your continued dedication and resilience.
On behalf of a grateful nation, I thank you for your service. I thank you for your immense efforts and contributions to the safety, security and development of our nation. I encourage you to continue to carry out your duties with diligence, with passion and with the kindness that you show without even knowing it. As I said at the start, I now say again – although it may not be said often enough during the course of the year, let it be said today, and let it be known this morning that your country sees you, and that I see you, and that you are appreciated more than words can ever convey.
I wish you and your families a peaceful, joyful, holy Christmas celebration and a bright and prosperous New Year. And I look forward, with confidence and with pride, to all that the men and women of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force will add to our nation’s development in 2025.
Thank you.